
career4Life services for individuals

Our services for companies based around Career4Life range from the most simple service - an individual assessment - to broader support for the implementation of a new career strategy within the company.

career4Life assessments

Answering «essential» questions

There are many different types of skills assessments available. Ours will amaze you by its underlying philosophy and by the speed with which we can address and answer together the key questions which concern you

  • what are my real talents?
  • what is stopping me from fulfilling my potential?
  • why am I exhausted by my work or have I lost the desire?
  • what could give me pleasure in this final part of my working life?
  • do I have the potential to take on responsibility? Or to manage a team or a business?
  • how could I change job?
  • do I have the means to become self-employed?

The assessment enables us to identify together the issues which have led you to consult us and to clearly identify what is dependent on you and the manner in which you orientate and exploit your resources, and what depends on your environment. They also enable us to

  • define the essence of your professional project
  • validate or lay the foundations of your professional identity
  • identify ways of achieving life balance
  • define the key areas of focus of your action plan

This is all covered in the initial session, which is often sufficient to enable you to act.

3 types of assessment

  • Career4Life Basic
    Career4Life Insights debriefing, discussion and drawing up of concrete action plans

  • Career4Life Standard
    ½ day to share a diagnosis, based on Career4Life Insights and Wave
    and to define the priority actions to take

  • Career4Life Extensive
    standard assessment, backed up by in-depth personal work (strengths and limits; impeding factors; successes and failures; life balance; preferences; etc.) over 4 x 2-hour sessions. Drawing up of a professional project

what we can offer afterwards

If you need more support than the first session, we can offer you

  • additional tools (life balance, successes/failures, preferences, impeding factors)
  • a career workshop over one or two days, or in the evenings
  • career coaching, to accompany the implementation of the defined plan
  • training and development actions targeted according to your needs

the criteria determining the success of the assessments

Success will depend on the suitable implementation of strategy defined for your career and on sufficient energy being devoted to exiting a certain comfort zone and limiting behaviours and for exploring other avenues. A high-quality support and the active involvement of key actors (hierarchy, other trustworthy people) will strongly contribute to success.

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